Svjedočanstvo Ana Balić


Ana B. (41)

Bilo je dana kad sam se jedva natjerala izvući iz kreveta. Nekad sam si zbog toga stvarala ozbiljnu dramu u glavi. Sad se već puno lakše nosim s tim. Jer takvih dana ima sve manje.

Vlasnica sam firme Zdravi pinklec i bavim se dostavom svježih namirnica na kućni prag, pa je time moj dan zaista znao trajati od 0-24 sata, međutim i tu sam se dovela u red. Danas nastojim da moj poslovni dan ima satnicu, bez obzira na to koliko dinamičan bio. Nekad sam super uspješna u tome, a nekad manje. I tu u pomoć priskaču Niksen proizvodi.

Vječno sam u potrazi za suplementima koji bi bili zaista na prirodnoj bazi, a ujedno stvarali sinergiju koja bi imala optimalan utjecaj na mene. Uvjerena sam da sam pronašla rješenje za sebe u Niksen kapsulama. Trenutačno koristim dnevne kapsule Flow’n’Glow. Ispod tog naziva još piše: for extraordinary day. Budimo iskreni, već od samog naziva se osjećajem bolje, a kad sam proučila sastav i informirala se više o njima, osjećala sam se definitivno bolje, odmornije i poletnije.

Prvi mit koji su mi ove kapsule razbile je bio u starom uvjerenju da ću od vitamina B3, B5, B6 i B12 nabit’ nekoliko kila više! Ne samo da se to nije dogodilo, već upravo suprotno. Nekoliko osoba me pitalo: Jesi li ti to smršavila? Tako da, uzimanje kapsula Flow’n’Glow definitivno ima moj palac gore. To naravno ne znači da je ovo proizvod za mršavljenje, već ovaj spoj vitamina B doprinosi i normalnom funkcioniranju živčanog sustava pa time ne tražim svakodnevno „nešto za grickanje“. Idealno za one trenutke kad bi samoj sebi znala reći: ispalit ću na živce!

Drugi mit s kojim sam se borila je predrasuda da su moj umor i iscrpljenost simpatični i čemu radit na smanjenju tog divnog dvojca koji me često prati(o)? Naravno da to nije simpatično i postiže kontraefekt. 

Zašto se mučiti, ako postoji rješenje?
Preporučena doza od dvije kapsule dnevno zaista ima efekta. Ponekad bi osjetila da mi je i jedna kapsula sasvim dovoljna da moj dan bude poletan i lepršav.

Dakle, ako ste u potrazi za dodatkom prehrani, od srca preporučam ove kapsule. Smatram da nije dovoljno “samo” paziti na prehranu, nego i s godinama naše tijelo traži više i to zaslužuje. Kad već pazimo na razne detalje poput sastava ili zemlje podrijetla, super je znati da postoje prirodne kapsule iz Hrvatske.



LIVE FERMENTED HERBAL DRINK | Organic product. No refined sugar. Unpasteurized. Ingredients: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast*, honey*, cranberry juice*, tea blend (apple*, elderberry*, rose hip*, wild blueberry*, mallow*, redcurrant*, blackberry leaves*, blackcurrant* blackberry*) (*certified organic). Storage conditions: Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU.



LIVE FERMENTED HERBAL DRINK | Organic product. No refined sugar. Unpasteurized. Ingredients: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast*, honey*, tea blend (peppermint*, fennel*, anise*, peppermint whole leaves*, caraway*, thyme*, hop petals*, yarrow*, cardamom*, cardamom powder*) (*certified organic). Storage conditions: Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU.



LIVE FERMENTED HERBAL DRINK | Organic product. No refined sugar. Unpasteurized. Ingredients: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast*, agave inulin*, tea blend (liquorice root*, fennel*, ginger*, cinnamon sticks*, anise*, clove*, mallow*, coriander seeds*, cardamon*), water (*certified organic). Storage conditions: Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU.



LIVE FERMENTED HERBAL DRINK | Organic product. No refined sugar. Unpasteurized. Ingredients: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast*, honey*, tea blend (lemongrass*, camomile*, basil* strawberry powder*, thyme*, cocoa nibs* cocoa powder*, lemon myrtle*, strawberry*, cornflower blue*) (*certified organic). Storage conditions: Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU.



LIVE FERMENTED HERBAL DRINK | Organic product. No refined sugar. Unpasteurized. Ingredients: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast* honey*, tea blend (apple*, blackberry leaves*, ginger*, cinnamon sticks*, Rooibos natural*, chamomile*, black pepper*, orange peels*, clove*, cardamon*, mallow*) (*certified organic). Storage conditions: Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU.



LIVE FERMENTED HERBAL DRINK | Organic product. No refined sugar. Unpasteurized. Ingredients: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, honey*, tea blend (Assam black tea*.ginger*, cinnamon sticks*, orange peels*, orange powder*, ginger powder*, cinnamon powder*) cold brew coffee powder (*certified organic). Storage conditions: Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU.

Water Kefir


Ingredients: fermented liquid/water extract of ginger root. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.0. Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU. Country of Origin of Ginger: non EU. Gluten-free, GMO-free, corn-free, soy-tree, plant based and Keto. No citric acid, fillers, additives, artificial flavours or natural flavours.

water kefir

Ashwagandha and Oregano

Ingredients: fermented liquid/water extract of ashwagandha root 60%, fermented liquid/water extract of oregano leaf 40%. Placed on market: Cidrani d.o.o. Ivana Mestrovica 35, 10360, Croatia. Country of Origin: EU. Country of Origin of Ashwagandha: non EU. Gluten-free, GMO-free, corn-free, soy-tree, plant based and Keto. No citric acid, fillers, additives, artificial flavours or natural flavours.



LIQUID DIETARY SUPPLEMENT | Ingredients: chaga mushroom extract 25% tincture*, symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts*, ginger root*, cinnamon bark*, anise fruit*, fruit of star anise*, cocoa bark*, Darjeeling black tea*, cardamom powder*, rose petals*, guarana*, chili pepper*, honey*, soluble cold brew coffee extract (4.6%), water (*certified organic). Recommended daily dose: 1 sachet. Warnings: People taking medication should consult a doctor before taking it. Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children. Notes: Keep out of reach of small children. The recommended daily doses should not be exceeded. A dietary supplement is not a substitute or replacement for a balanced diet. It is important to adhere to a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Storage: Store in a dry and dark place, at a temperature up to 25°C. Placed on market and Responsible for Slovenia: Cidrani d.o.o., Štihova ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Producer: Cidrani d.o.o. Ivana Meštrovića 35, 10360, Croatia. Country of origin: EU.



LIQUID DIETARY SUPPLEMENT | Ingredients: chaga mushroom extract 25% tincture*, symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts*, pumpkin seed extract*, ginger root*, cinnamon bark*, black elderberry*, hibiscus flower*, anise fruit*, cardamom fruit*, clove fruit*, licorice root*, turmeric*, honey*, water (*certified organic). Recommended daily dose: 1 sachet. Warnings: People taking medication should consult a doctor before taking it. Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children. Notes: Keep out of reach of small children. The recommended daily doses should not be exceeded. A dietary supplement is not a substitute or replacement for a balanced diet. It is important to adhere to a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Storage: Store in a dry and dark place, at a temperature up to 25°C. Placed on market and Responsible for Slovenia: Cidrani d.o.o., Štihova ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Producer: Cidrani d.o.o. Ivana Meštrovića 35, 10360, Croatia. Country of origin: EU.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Cidrani Original

Premium Apple Cider Vinegar with Wild Mother Culture | Unpasteurised & Unfiltered Ingredients: apple cider vinegar* (*from organic farming) Instructions: Shake well before using.Net weight per bottle: 500 ml Storage: Store in a dry and dark place. Placed on the market by: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Meštrovića 35, 10360 Sesvete, Hrvatska Country of origin: EU

Apple Cider Vinegar

Cidrani Honey

Premium Apple Cider Vinegar with Wild Mother Culture Infused with Raw Honey | Unpasteurised & Unfiltered Ingredients: apple cider vinegar*, 33% honey* (*from organic farming). Instructions: Shake well before using.Net weight per bottle: 500 ml Storage: Store in a dry and dark place. Placed on the market by: Cidrani d.o.o., Ivana Meštrovića 35, 10360 Sesvete, Hrvatska Country of origin: EU